

The book I want to introduce is “Journey to the West” or “Monkey.” It is one of the four great novels of ancient China and was written by Wu Cheng’en in the Ming Dynasty. “Journey to the West” has been widely circulated and translated into many languages, including English. Here, I will introduce the English version of “Journey to the West” for third-graders.

Plot Summary

“Journey to the West” is a story about the journey of the monk Xuanzang and his disciples to obtain Buddhist scriptures. They encounter numerous demons and monsters that try to stop them, but with the help of the Monkey King and other members of their team, they overcome these obstacles. Along the way, Xuanzang and his disciples learn valuable lessons and develop a deeper understanding of Buddhism.

In the English version for third-graders, the novel has been simplified and shortened, making it easier for young readers to understand and follow the plot. The important themes of the story, such as teamwork, perseverance, and moral values, are still present.


The main characters in the book include:

  • Xuanzang, a monk
  • Sun Wukong, the Monkey King
  • Zhu Bajie, the pig monster
  • Sha Wujing, the river monster

Each of the characters has unique personalities and abilities that contribute to the team’s success. For example, Monkey is brave and smart, while Zhu Bajie is gluttonous and loves to eat. Through their individual strengths and weaknesses, the characters demonstrate the importance of teamwork and acceptance of differences.


“Journey to the West” explores many important themes that are relevant to both children and adults. One of the most prominent themes is the importance of determination and perseverance in achieving one’s goals. Xuanzang and his team faced many challenges during their journey to obtain the Buddhist scriptures but did not give up.

Another theme in the book is the importance of moral values such as honesty, kindness, and courage. In the face of temptation and danger, the characters must rely on these principles to make the right decisions.

Finally, the novel emphasizes the importance of respect for others and acceptance of differences. Through the characters’ interactions with each other and their encounters with other monsters and demons, the book conveys a message of inclusivity and understanding.


“Journey to the West” is a classic novel that has captivated readers for centuries. The English version for third-graders simplifies the story while preserving its important themes and characters. Through the adventures of Xuanzang and his team, the book teaches valuable lessons about determination, moral values, and acceptance. I highly recommend this book to young readers who are interested in adventure and mythology.

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